Winner of the Excellence Award as the Best Management and Recruiting Company NPL sector for the year 2016

About Us

Operating since 1992 and established as a partner of a financial company over the last few years, it has had a strong development with the acquisition of new and important clients

Our internal structure is dedicated with attention to the continuous training of its collaborators by seeking increasingly efficient and safe procedures to operate in this field. We are attentive to the professional growth of our employees and we attach great importance to the internal code of ethics that outlines the behavior to be maintained by all staff. Recovering Credits is a delicate and complex business that requires the use of specialized staff with professionalism and experience to satisfy every need of our partners.


 We have a network of officials and a backoffice team dedicated to each partner, aiming at recovering credit through the most appropriate solutions and supporting the customer without aggravating situation.

Thanks this operation mode, we are able to achieve our best results.



The credits recovery transferred from banks and financial institutions to major factoring companies is managed by a dedicated network supported by our internal organization that is tracing and constantly updating data. Thanks to the  decree of the Minister of Economy and Finance of 2.4.15 N. 53 we are able to purchase new credit packages from financial and banks.


CNR CREDIT is specialized in various types of credits

Our main activities are: 

  • NPLs

 To treat these types of credit, we employ external collaborators located throughout Northern Italy. The management of the practicies is entrusted to the Chief Manager  together with the back office, is responsible for coordinating all operational activities to make them more effective and functional.

Our partners


Our aim is to create a successful company, committed to compete in compliance with the principle of fair competition and the rules of deontology.

We are constantly committed to combine profitably and competitiveness with respect to professional ethics, sectoral laws, and labor standards, safety, and confidentiality.In compliance with these values and duties, our activity is carried out strictly following the Code of Ethics, approved by UNIREC, and the Code of Conduct “FORUM UNIREC – Consumers”.They represent the instruments of expression and application of the principles of corporate ethics and compliance with national regulations which, in addition to expressing the values that the company exemplifies, indicate the expected behaviors in relations with customers, colleagues, collaborators and public authorities.We attend training courses annually for our knowledge and professional growth.



    Cnr Credit srl | Via A. Gramsci, 16 20014 – Nerviano (MI)
    P.I. 10763620159 – Soc. Cap. € 30.000,00 i.v.
    Tel. 0331/589433 – Fax 0331/588944
    Web site: